Sunday, August 3, 2008

Summer Fun!

It's already August!!!! We've been so busy we didn't know what hit us! First was Tyler's stint at History Camp up in Little Falls, NY at the General Herkimer House. He had a great time learning how the colonials did things and even won an award for his dedication to his hand sewn journal!

He had a great week and learned what games kids played back then and even made his own pewter spoon! The week ended up with demonstrations at an Open House.

We had a nice week visiting with our relatives up North, especially Jim and Julie (Jenn's brother and sister-in-law) and their kids, Caleb and Andrew. It was particularly wonderful for me to be able to cuddle and spend time with my cutie patootie nephews! Big shout out to Caleb from Aunt Jeffner!!!

This is Tyler, showing us how much he's grown!

Next was Cartooning Camp, where Tyler created his own cartoon (unlike most of his classmates who copied other cartoon characters) and made cells and posters and a comic strip.

Monday marks his first day of Golf camp and he is so very excited he cannot wait!

Celestia turned 9 months on the 28 of July and celebrated by crawling REALLY fast all over!! We had an Early Intervention Assessment conducted on her as she was a preemie and the great news is she did NOT qualify for Early Intervention! In all the areas she was tested she tested AHEAD of her calendar age! At 9 months old, she is amazing her doctors with all her abilities---crawling, cruising, taking steps, talking non-stop and eating like a fiend! She absolutely ADORES the men in her life (Bobuddy included) and will have conversations with you randomly.

Al has been very busy at work with a huge workload, but we look forward to him taking off the last week in August for some much-deserved rest! No vacation plans due to the economy, but there's lots for us to do up here in the country together.

I am trying to re-launch my virtual office support business and am busy every moment I get while the kids are sleeping or busy looking for work. When my website is newly re-launched I will send everyone an invite to view it.

Here are some summer pictures to enjoy and perhaps reflect on your own fun times this summer...

Tyler and his cousin Caleb, cruising!

Celestia and her bud, BoBuddy!

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