Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Growing Growing Growing!

Well it's been a while since we posted. We've been so busy with activities plus Celestia is in the grabbing stage so I don't get much computer time anymore.

Tyler is in his last week of 4th grade and can't wait for summer to begin. His class won their kickball tournament today (with Tyler scoring the last home run!). And his class celebrated the end of the school year with an ice cream party--now that's my kind of party!

Over the summer he will be going to history camp at The Herkimer Home in Little Falls, up by his grandparents, Jim and Phyllis Fisher. Celestia and I will be staying up there with them also while Tyler goes to the camp. After history camp, Tyler will be attending Golf camp and Cartooning as well as another day camp sponsored by our church.

Celestia is just shy of 8 months old now and just recently figured out how to crawl. Despite being a preemie, she is right on track with when her big brother figured it out too. She is a smiling happy baby who always is observing her surroundings. She eats lots of solids now besides the cereal and we're working with her on developing her self-feeding skills. She LOVES her big brother Tyler who always makes her smile and talks constantly to her dog BoBuddy and cats, Sassy and Saussy. And she also talks to Tyler's school bus every day!

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