Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thankul for our blessings...

Thanksgiving this year reminded us of all our blessings, big and small. With the economy the way it is, many of us are struggling, and can easily give in to the “I’m poor” mentality. If we simply look past the present tribulations and focus on what surrounds us: family, friends and love, we can receive even more of what truly surrounds us.

Last year we were blessed with Celestia’s arrival. She came home from the NICU on November 15, 2007. Her big brother Tyler and I picked her up from the hospital, as Al had to work. The past year has been one of many discoveries for her: smiling, laughing, learning how to crawl, and then walk, and then run! She is a vivacious and inquisitive tiny little girl, and surprised us all with her achievements. We erroneously thought we had a couple more months of her crawling before walking, since she was a preemie, but she decided differently and started walking at 10.5 months, exactly the same time as her big brother started walking.

Tyler marked a milestone this year as well…he turned a decade old! We have been so blessed with Tyler’s presence in our family for the past ten years. He is a bright, loveable and sensitive child who is on the brink of “tween-hood” He still practices Tae Kwon Do and plays piano and clarinet. He loves amusing his little sister and has adjusted quite well to having another little one around.

Al continues to work very hard at his job in NY. Last year at this time, he received a promotion and has worked very hard on many projects from Albany to Connecticut. He recently attended his 20th high school reunion in Long Island and had fun reliving the past with his now older classmates. He’s now addicted to Facebook, which I innocently introduced him to a couple of weeks ago. He still jams with his bass guitar with a few guys he connected with up here in Orange County.

As for me, my business has really taken off! I re-launched the business I’ve had for 10 years over the summer ( and have been super-busy since then. It’s been a challenge, with Celestia not liking my office (despite the toys, she wants the forbidden items, always). But I am VERY thankful to be able to work at home. This week I start teaching yoga again at Tyler’s martial arts location.

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